Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The correct words

A partial list of various technical terms:
ANILINGUS: tongue-to-anus contact
ANTHROPOPHAGY: cannibalism
COPROLAGNIA: sexual enjoyment of feces
COPROPHILIA: enjoyment of spreading feces over body
CUNNILINGUS: tongue-to-vagina contact
FELLATIO: oral sex with male
FETISH: sexual interest with a part of the body (e.g., feet, hair)
FLAGELLATION: sexual stimulation from whipping or being whipped
FROTTEUR: a person who rubs, bumps, or presses up against others in crowds
GERONTOPHILIA: choice of older person for sexual intercourse
INFIBULATION: piercing the body or mutilating the genitals
NECROPHILIA: desire to have sex with a corpse
OSPHRESIOPHILIA: sexual arousal from odors
PEDERASTY: sodomy with a child
PIQURER: enjoyment of stabbing someone with small object in crowds
PYGMALIONISM: sexual enjoyment of mannequins or blow-up dolls
SODOMY: insertion of penus into rectum
TRANSVESTITISM: playing the role of the opposite sex, cross-dressing
TRIBADISM: the practice of sex by wearing a dildo
TRIOLISM: the enjoyment of performing sex in front of others
UROLAGNIA: sexual enjoyment of urine
VOYEURISM: watching others who are engaged in sex or nude
ZOOERASTY: enjoyment of sexual intercourse with animals
ZOOPHILIA: sexual enjoyment from stroking or fondling animals


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